10 minutes with Dear Jane

This is not a Dear Jane letter.

This is a Dear Jane letter.

Your sister asked me “Do you have 10 minutes?”

She wondered how I could help.

Her heart is breaking for you. Your husband of many years has moved out. He has been having an affair.

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to forgive and not to forgive

I understand that forgiveness is a gift we can give ourselves.

When we forgive we feel happier and lighter.

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sneaking around


You know that when you call running shoes sneakers that you are  sort of a fake runner.

You know that when you give them your phone number at the Running Room and they say the last time you bought running shoes was in 2005 that you are pretty much due for a new pair.

You know that when they say take your shoes off and show us how you run in the middle of the store, you feel like they have said ‘take your clothes off and show us how you run’ . Everyone looking. All eyes on whether you pronate. So intimate.

You know that when they say -with a weird look on their faces-you have really really really small feet for your size, they are really trying to say “Wow you are amazing, beautiful and talented and in perfect condition”

Sort of.

There is this fine line between being an absolute goofball with your equipment and ‘needs’ and well, wearing the same running shoes for …ummm ….a little too long. It is a little like ordering coffee at Starbucks. When did everything get so complicated and fussy? As we age we need to know what we like but getting too fussy and precious is a straight line to getting really,really old and persnickety. Click here for fighting the fuss