mamma mia

Re send ing  this to all of you in honour of mother’s day

Mothers model behavior for us. They help make us who we are in the world. I have had the very finest teacher.  I want to share a few important lessons she taught me.

1. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

2. Never say no to a glass of wine, a homemade dessert, or a nice invitation.

3. Never be too tired to have fun.

4. If you sense someone is troubled, be the one who reaches out to them.

5.Always do the extra bit.

6.Trust your instincts.

7.Ask for help

8.Share your troubles when you need to; it is generous of you.

9.Floss your teeth

10.If you find a dime in the playground, return it to the office.

11.Dress for dinner and for goodness sake, if you are man, do not come to my table, even if it is a picnic table, bare chested.

12. Never marry a man who is stingy, jealous or who spits in public.

13.Sit up straight or when you are 70 you will be tucking your breasts into your pants.

14.A bad night’s sleep is a gift because it will bring a good night’s sleep next

15.When things are going badly, wear a nice dress.

16. When things are going well, wear a nice dress

17. Enjoy being pretty

18. Ask the hard questions

19. Ironing is therapy

20.Even leftovers should be presented beautifully

21.You are never too old to skinny dip, wear a short skirt or smile at a construction worker

22. Don’t complain, nobody wants to hear it.

23.If you love to read, you will always have a friend in a book.

24.Find the best in people. It will help them find the best in themselves.

25.Enjoy every phase of your life

26.Give it a whirl. Whatever it is

27.Eat a good breakfast

28. When someone compliments you accept it. Enjoy it. Print it on a t shirt.

29. Pay attention. It shows people they have meaning in your life

30.You are as young as you feel

31.You are as old as you feel.

32.If  your bathing suit is wet, do not sit on the couch.


34.Good table manners, excellent posture and a thank you note go a long way.

35.If you eat pizza and drink beer every night at University, you will gain more than a degree.

36.Move the furniture of your life around a bit every so often

37.There is no problem that can’t be solved with time, love and creativity. Or a warm bath and a bed of freshly ironed sheets.

38. If you can’t find god at church, go to Winners. They have everything.

isn’t motherhood a sacred, awkward and humbling  dance of holding on and letting go. Click here for more on momhood