it is the smallest things and the biggest things

She is at the airport sending her daughter of to a far away place when a smell so familiar and painful at once rushes over her.

She spots 45 year old women with their 70 year old mothers getting in line for a trip together. There are three pairs of mother daughter teams. She herself  is a half team, a  motherless daughter, a girl who enters every day with no one unconditionally  on her side. This 70 year old woman is dressed beautifully and smells exactly like her mom. The fragrance is killing her.

She walks up to the group of strangers and asks where they are going. They tell her about the trip. She says, “I lost my mom almost three years ago and “, she turns to the older woman, ” you smell just like her”. “Please treat this trip like a gift. I won’t get a chance to do this.”

She walks away, leaving everyone in tears.

check out I couldn’t leave the porch light on -my new post on urbanmoms