9 lives

When they split they each had weak moments of seeking revenge. She hauled his remaining things to their apartment dumpster-vacum sealed newspapers, old record albums, an album he had made of their relationship – with dried flowers, cards he had given her, pictures and other things that proved he was always  the sentimental one. She held that dusty album for a moment in her hands and then lobbed it over the fence of their property watching it shatter down the hill on the other side. These things had driven her nuts for years – the crazy making clutter of a pack rat while she  was a thrower.

Through their 17 years together, he had wanted a cat-she hated them and her dad was allergic to them. Mere days after they split, he took their boys out and returned them with a “gift”. The boys begged and pleaded to keep the kitten which they already adored ; “it is for you too, mommy” they squealed.  She knew that she could not disappoint them after the sadness they had just recently endured of their parents splitting up. She took her ex aside and said that in no uncertain terms the cat would not stay indefinitely. That in short time the cat would be moving to HIS house.

One night a few years later when she was having her soon to be 2nd husband over for the first sleepover,  all things were perfect, romantic, no three little boys at home and love, that kind of love, back in the home.

The next morning the man went out to jump in his car to find that the same cat, sent by her ex years earlier to exact revenge, had scratched the entire soft  top of  his convertible.

Life is like a cupcake is my other new blog post- click here to take a look