
Several years ago I went to a therapist (the good one, not the strange, odd and flakey ones I needed to speed date first) not because I felt off but to make sure I was as on as I could be.

If we can walk by plants day after day and not know they are dying, it might be the same of ourselves.

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10 minutes with Dear Jane

This is not a Dear Jane letter.

This is a Dear Jane letter.

Your sister asked me “Do you have 10 minutes?”

She wondered how I could help.

Her heart is breaking for you. Your husband of many years has moved out. He has been having an affair.

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10 minutes with you-remember what floats your boat

My daughter and I Skyped last week. We discussed all areas of life. I knew she had a new love interest. I unconsciously left it on the back burner until then end.

I can’t help it.

It is not that I don’t think this is the ultimate- to have a best friend who you can’t keep your hands off is life’s most gorgeous gift- however it runs against my nature to put it swiftly above all else.

If this sounds like a contradiction, let me explain.

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